Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday, November 8

Yesterday morning we (Alice & Jack) took our children to their first day at Community Bible Academy, where they will attend for the next three months, then headed for Maine. (To all you Floridians reading this, Maine is only 10 minutes away . . . states are smaller up here.)

We stopped at Aunt Jane & Uncle Danny's house to pick up a vehicle that they are graciously loaning us, then Jack returned to Gorham and I continued on to Portland!

What a joy to hug my beautiful Mom and be able to spend the day with her!! I would say she is 80% back to her old self. She talks very clearly, with only occasional scrambled or missing words, and remembers things from before the aneurysm very well. Her recent memory is not as strong; for example, she does not recall Lois being with her, and Lois was there until October 18.

Physically, she really impressed me! She gets around great with a walker, and walked up and down eight steps, holding on to the railings. She practiced getting in and out of the car, which was no problem.

The therapist had some recommendations to prepare the house, including installing grab bars for the tub. She also suggested I walk around the house with a walker to see if anything needs to be changed to make it safer/easier to navigate.

We are grateful for friends and relatives who are helping us so much at this time! We have been given or loaned many things to use while we are staying in New England (including a house and a car!), and friends from church are helping to install the grab bars this afternoon. Thank you Lord! And thanks to all who are helping through prayer. God answers!!

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